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Bachelor Commerce (Accounting)

As BCT Group’s Finance & Administration Manager, Katelyn is responsible for all human resources, office management, administration and finance including payroll and accounting. Also an integral member of the BCT Group Executive Team, Katelyn is heavily involved in planning, goal setting, business strategy and establishing financial budgets.

​With these responsibilities, Katelyn leans on her tertiary qualifications having completed a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and her vast professional experience as a chartered accountant at large accounting firms. Katelyn developed a wealth of knowledge in roles in insolvency and finance at Ernst & Young, the Financial Controller at William Buck and Finance Manager at Grant Thornton.

​Having been at BCT Group since 2020, Katelyn brought extensive corporate experience and prides herself on being able to apply all that she learnt in professional service firms to BCT Group.

​Katelyn loves that at a family-owned business she can make a difference and enjoys being part of the tight knit culture at BCT Group. Like many of the team, Katelyn has a strong understanding of the Inner West, having lived in Newport, Williamstown and Kingsville.

​In 2022, Katelyn completed a major renovation at her Newport family home utilising the BCT Group one-stop solution to renovate and add a first-floor extension. As a client she loved the fact that her home was completed to such a high standard.

​In her spare time, Katelyn loves catching up with friends and entertaining in her stylish BCT Group built home.

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