Dip. Leadership & Management, ANS, Cert. Leading High Performance Teams
Over his extensive corporate career, Anders has focussed on business development, client relationships, team leadership, sales and finance management. Having previously led and sat on the board of companies and filled national and state managerial roles, Anders is able to utilise his experience to set and plan business direction, oversee operations and manage growth opportunities.
Involved with BCT Group since our inception in 2012, Anders informed our early sales processes and has a deep understanding of BCT Group, it’s history and key stakeholders which he leans on when overseeing our direction and operations.
When you submit an enquiry, Anders is the first person that you will speak to where he will discuss with you what you would like to achieve in your project, our process and how we can assist.
Anders also oversees our design process and works with the design, estimating, administration and construction teams to ensure that all BCT Group clients have a great experience and move back into their property satisfied with the final product.
Anders has a strong understanding of the local area, having lived in South Kingsville, Yarraville, and Spotswood and playing and coaching local sport at Spotswood Football and Cricket Clubs, Williamstown Imperials Cricket Club and Footscray Angliss Cricket Club.
He and his wife are currently living with their two daughters in Geelong.